
Andrew James


Using Gas Chromatography for Accurate Terpene Analysis in Cannabis

An in depth look at the process behind terpene analysis in medical marijuana

Bob Clifford


Starting a QC Cannabis or Hemp Laboratory: Testing Requirements, Initial Expenses, and ROI

How quickly can a cannabis or hemp testing laboratory see return on investment?

Sorbent Technologies


Eliminating Toxic Contaminants from Cannabis Extracts Using Proven Chromatography Purification Methods

Some of the contaminants found in cannabis extracts cause serious harm when ingested. Learn directly from expert separation scientists the best methodologies to remove contaminants and provide clean cannabis products.Live: Thursday, July 26, 2018 at 11:30 am EDT | 10:30 am CDT | 8:30 am PDT / On Demand available after airing until July 26, 2019. Register free:

Hamilton Company


Separation of Eight Cannabinoids v5

Isolation of eight common cannabinoids for the determination of analytical cannabis content.

AECS QuikPrep Ltd


Cannabinoid Process Purification by CPC

AECS has 25 years of experience in liquid-liquid chromatography. Instruments dedicated to CBD, THC, CBG, CBDA, etc, sold Europe and Americas for research and process.

Daniel Erickson


Integrated Data in Cannabis ERP: From Greenhouse to Production

How can cannabis enterprise resource planning software help organize your data?

Bruker Nano Analytics Division


Real-Time Nutrient Diagnostics During Cannabis Cultivation

Cannabis uptakes elements during cultivation - nutrients and heavy metals. Learn how pXRF quickly, easily and nondestructively monitors them in media and plant tissues.

Brianna Cassidy


Cannabis Uncertainty

This article is intended to spark conversations about measurement uncertainty that lead to the recognition and application of effective uncertainty budgets in the cannabis arena.

Matthew A. Ward


Microbial Testing in Cannabis: Regulatory and Analytical Challenges

An outline of some of the current major challenges for both regulators and laboratories regarding the microbial testing of cannabis products.

Brian C. Smith


Quality Control in the Cannabis Industry: A Depressing Update

Here, Brian C. Smith delves into the intricacies of the cradle-to-grave testing paradigm utilized in the pharmaceutical industry and how it could be adapted in the cannabis space.

Ryan Boyle


Selecting Microwave Digestion Technology for Measuring Heavy Metals in Cannabis Products

A look at the the basic principles of the major types of microwave digestion technology as well as suggestions as to which might be the best approach based on sample matrix, digestion efficiency, sample throughput, productivity, and overall cost of analysis.

Eric Farrell


Selecting Microwave Digestion Technology for Measuring Heavy Metals in Cannabis Products

A look at the the basic principles of the major types of microwave digestion technology as well as suggestions as to which might be the best approach based on sample matrix, digestion efficiency, sample throughput, productivity, and overall cost of analysis.

Avinash Dalmia


Study: Tandem Mass Spectrometry Method for Analysis of 102 Pesticides and Five Mycotoxins Regulated by the State of Colorado in Dried Hemp

A novel liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS) method with a dual electrospray ionization (ESI) and atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI) source was developed for analyzing 102 pesticides and five mycotoxins that are regulated by the state of Colorado in hemp.

Erasmus Cudjoe


Rapid Analysis of 16 Major and Minor Cannabinoids in Hemp Using LC–MS/MS with a Single Sample Dilution and Injection

A rapid LC–MS/MS method is presented for the quantitative analysis of 16 cannabinoids in hemp samples with a single dilution protocol.

Toby Astill


Multielement Analysis of Heavy Metals in Cannabis Samples Using ICP-MS

A robust method for identifying heavy metals in cannabis samples using ICP-MS is discussed as well as highlights of the importance of sample preparation methods for a wide range of cannabis products.

Jacob Jalali


Rapid Analysis of 16 Major and Minor Cannabinoids in Hemp Using LC–MS/MS with a Single Sample Dilution and Injection

A rapid LC–MS/MS method is presented for the quantitative analysis of 16 cannabinoids in hemp samples with a single dilution protocol.

Jason P. Weisenseel


LC–MS/MS with ESI and APCI Sources for Meeting California Cannabis Pesticide and Mycotoxin Residue Regulatory Requirements

How two different LC–MS/MS methods with ESI and APCI were used for low-level analysis of 72 pesticides

Feng Qin


Rapid Analysis of 16 Major and Minor Cannabinoids in Hemp Using LC–MS/MS with a Single Sample Dilution and Injection

A rapid LC–MS/MS method is presented for the quantitative analysis of 16 cannabinoids in hemp samples with a single dilution protocol.

Molly Murphy


LC–MS/MS with ESI and APCI Sources for Meeting California Cannabis Pesticide and Mycotoxin Residue Regulatory Requirements

How two different LC–MS/MS methods with ESI and APCI were used for low-level analysis of 72 pesticides

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