Some of the contaminants found in cannabis extracts cause serious harm when ingested. Learn directly from expert separation scientists the best methodologies to remove contaminants and provide clean cannabis products.Live: Thursday, July 26, 2018 at 11:30 am EDT | 10:30 am CDT | 8:30 am PDT / On Demand available after airing until July 26, 2019. Register free: http://www.chromatographyonline.com/lcgc_w/extracts
Register Free: http://www.chromatographyonline.com/lcgc_w/extracts
Pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and other contaminants in cannabis extracts are frequently present at levels of 50 to 500 ppm, or more-toxic levels that are clearly health risks to users. This webcast will discuss the use of chromatography to purify cannabis products and eliminate toxic contaminants, and how you can move from a “fail” to a “pass” in meeting safety standards.
See proven, cost-effective, and simple methods to produce pure and clean cannabis extracts from separation scientists adept at eliminating contaminants.
Key Learning Objectives:
Dr. Robert R. Kerr, Development, Sorbent Technologies
David Schurer, Executive Vice President/Co-Founder & Partner, Sorbent Technologies
Date and Time:
Live: Thursday, July 26, 2018 at 11:30 am EDT | 10:30 am CDT | 8:30 am PDT
After the final airing of the webcast on July 26, 2018 it will be available on demand until July 26, 2019.
Sponsor: Sorbent Technologies
Register Free:http://www.chromatographyonline.com/lcgc_w/extracts