Currently in the cannabis industry, the standards and benchmarks for drug delivery, analytics and testing, consumer reporting, and packaging are basic in nature with substantial room for more sophistication and technology. Here’s how it can be improved.
A tutorial article that delineates the rising threats of “lab shopping” and THC inflation to the US cannabis industry and proposes solutions to overcome them.
A review of a study on vapes found four major factors related to the production of vape cartridges that warrant additional attention: cutting agents, temperature, flavoring, and hardware and heavy metals.
A review of a study on vapes found four major factors related to the production of vape cartridges that warrant additional attention: cutting agents, temperature, flavoring, and hardware and heavy metals.
A review of a study on vapes found four major factors related to the production of vape cartridges that warrant additional attention: cutting agents, temperature, flavoring, and hardware and heavy metals.
Agronomic analyses for materials such as soils, plant tissues, and Cannabis can present considerable challenges, even for today’s spectrometers. Many analyzers currently on the market may fall short of satisfactory performance.Learn how new advances in ICP-OES technology can greatly benefit your analysis of soils, plants and Cannabis samples and how the introduction of ED-XRF analysis can simplify sample preparation and increase productivity for nutrient and heavy metal analysis.
Agronomic analyses for materials such as soils, plant tissues, and Cannabis can present considerable challenges, even for today’s spectrometers. Many analyzers currently on the market may fall short of satisfactory performance.Learn how new advances in ICP-OES technology can greatly benefit your analysis of soils, plants and Cannabis samples and how the introduction of ED-XRF analysis can simplify sample preparation and increase productivity for nutrient and heavy metal analysis.
UCT’s Selectra® C18 Column provides for a simple and robust method for the detection and quantitation of 16 cannabinoids in hemp and cannabis samples.
Recently, the Institute of Cannabis Research at Colorado State University Pueblo sequenced the whole genome of a new cannabis strain called Pink Pepper.
We know cannabis is complex, so where do we start. Nontargeted screening provides a wealth of information about the chemical constituents that are found in cannabis samples. This presentation demonstrates technology that takes us one step closer to answering “what’s all in there?”.
JEOL announces the arrival of the JAM-5200EBM Electron Beam-Powder Bed Fusion system to Cumberland Additive located at Neighborhood 91, the advanced manufacturing production campus at Pittsburgh International Airport.
This article explores what we do and don’t know about the origins of Cannabis ssp. from a botanical perspective and outlines some of the hypotheses proposed to explain the “why” of cannabinoid production in plants and the approaches that researchers are taking to try and answer this elusive question.
This column discusses some of the most important considerations involved in the GMP certification process.
This tutorial article outlines a holistic approach to scaling up.
Our first market profile of 2020 reviews the cannabis laboratory testing market in the U.S. and Canada.
In the work presented here, the author shares research from collecting reports from the New Jersey State laboratory (the Department of Health’s Environmental and Chemical Laboratory Services), which has conducted testing for the state’s medicinal program. He documented an average variance of 20% in potency levels from different samples of the same test lot.
A closer look at how cannabis cultivation management platforms can track data for you and make recommendations based on intelligence and logic discerned from the numbers.
This study considers the use of ethanol as a co-solvent in a carbon dioxide extraction of cannabinoids and its effects on extraction time and overall raw yield.
This study highlights a potential concern for the quantitation of acid phytocannabinoids.
This study highlights a potential concern for the quantitation of acid phytocannabinoids.
The two-day symposium will feature more than a dozen talks from cannabis scientists, researchers, and industry experts on a wide array of topics presented during three sessions.
The two-day symposium will feature more than a dozen talks from cannabis scientists, researchers, and industry experts on a wide array of topics presented during three sessions.
The two-day symposium will feature more than a dozen talks from cannabis scientists, researchers, and industry experts on a wide array of topics presented during three sessions.