Cannabis Science Conference West 2019 Medical Cannabis Keynote Speaker, Day 1
August 29th 2019Dr. Anahid Jewett, PhD, M.P.H., Professor and Director of Tumor Immunology Laboratory Division of Oral Biology and Medicine The Jane and Jerry Weintraub Center for Reconstructive Biotechnology Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center, UCLA School of Dentistry and Medicine, discusses her keynote talk “Natural Killer Cells, Probiotics, and Cannabis” from the 2019 Cannabis Science Conference West.
Cannabis Science Conference West 2019 Analytical Cannabis Keynote Speaker, Day 1
August 29th 2019Dr. Markus Roggen, CEO, Complex Biotech Discovery Ventures, discusses his keynote talk “Collaborative Research for Fundamental Insight into Cannabis Production” from the 2019 Cannabis Science Conference West.
Lake Superior State University Partners with Agilent to Launch Cannabis Center of Excellence
August 26th 2019Lake Superior State University (LSSU) announced a strategic partnership with Agilent Technologies to facilitate education and research in cannabis chemistry and analysis through the LSSU Cannabis Center of Excellence (CoE).
Improving Cannabis Testing Workflows, Part I
August 21st 2019Katherine Stenerson, Principal Scientist, Research & Development at MilliporeSigma, discusses her work to improve cannabis testing workflows for potency, pesticide residues, and terpenes as well as the pain points with testing in those areas and how to overcome it.
Heavy Metal Analysis of Cannabis and Hemp Using ICP-MS, Part I
August 21st 2019Aaron Hineman, Inorganic Product Line Leader at PerkinElmer, offers some insight into testing for heavy metals in cannabis and hemp such as why it’s important, how the state testing requirements vary, and what the future holds for testing in this area.
Heavy Metal Analysis of Cannabis and Hemp Using ICP-MS, Part II
August 21st 2019Aaron Hineman, Inorganic Product Line Leader at PerkinElmer, explains how an ICP-MS workflow can vary depending on the different products being testing. He also discusses the next steps in his research and other areas in the industry that excite him.
Potency and Pesticides in Hemp and Cannabis, Pt 1
July 12th 2019Dr. Jack Henion, Cofounder and CSO, Advion, Inc., talks about his research to determine the potency and pesticides in cannabis and hemp products using a single quadrupole mass spectrometer equipped with diverse sample introduction methods.
Guidelines and State Requirements for a Safe and Effective Product, Pt 2
May 18th 2019Here Lori Dodson, Deputy Director of the Maryland Medical Cannabis Commission, offers advice to other states setting up regulations, potential revisions to Maryland’s regulations, and what she is excited about in the industry going forward.