Keeping it Clean: Contamination Control in the Cannabis Industry

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Tuesday, August 16th, 2022 at 2pm EDT|11am PDT|7pm BST|8pm CEST Occurrences of cannabis product contamination and adulteration can result in failed compliance testing, costly product recalls, and loss of consumer confidence. In this talk, we will discuss common sources of contamination and approaches to mitigating contamination in your cannabis lab.

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Event Overview:

The ever-increasing number of cannabis products entering the regulated marketplace create a challenge for consumer product safety testing. Occurrences of contamination and adulteration can result in failed compliance testing, costly product recalls, and loss of consumer confidence. Data is beginning to emerge that identifies potential sources in cannabis production and compliance facilities. An overview of recently identified issues related to heavy metals, foreign matter, and others will be presented.

Key Learning Objectives/What attendees will learn:

  • Common sources of contamination in cannabis production and processing
  • Approaches to mitigating contamination in your cannabis lab
  • Preparing the cannabis industry for evolving regulations

Who Should Attend:

  • Cannabis lab managers/directors, testing lab analysts, and chemists
  • Cannabis producers
  • Entrepreneurs considering starting a cannabis testing lab

Benjamin Southwell
Assistant Professor
Lake Superior State University

Derek Wright
Associate Professor
Lake Superior State University

Benjamin Southwell holds a bachelor’s and master’s degree in chemistry from Lake Superior State University (LSSU) and Central Michigan University, respectively. He has a research focus on studying the analytics of cannabinoids and terpenes in cannabis products and is the coordinator for the LSSU Cannabis Center of Excellence. Currently he instructs courses in forensic, analytical, and cannabis chemistry.

Dr. Derek Wright is an Associate Professor of Environmental Science at Lake Superior State University. Dr. Wright earned his Ph.D. in Environmental Science from Rutgers University. He has over 20 years of experience with trace element analysis by ICP-MS, ICP-OES, MP-AES, and AAS.

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