
January/February 2019

Inter-Laboratory Variation in Cannabis Analysis: Pesticides and Potency in Distillates

February 12, 2019

Cannabis distillate samples spiked with known amounts of pesticides were submitted to five cannabis testing laboratories-here are the results.

Lean Manufacturing: Outsourcing Production, Ensuring Quality, and Eliminating Waste

February 12, 2019

This tutorial offers a broad overview of lean manufacturing.

Extraction Considerations and Advice from a Leading Researcher

January 11, 2019

Dr. Markus Roggen discusses his experiences in the industry and what extraction methods he has used.

Cannabis Education: Building the Foundation for a Cannabis Career

December 03, 2018

Jeff Zorn, the CEO and Owner of Cannabis Training University, discusses the different courses they offer, what sets them apart from other cannabis training facilities, and more.
